
Coyote_7222 (banner photo)
Some rights reserved by Jean-Guy Dallaire (Creative Commons license "Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivative"). The original photo can be found on Flickr here. His profile information is here.

Sundown (howling coyote in the grass)
Some rights reserved by Matt Knoth (Creative Commons license "Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivative"). The original photo can be found on Flickr here. His profile information is here.

Do not teach coyotes to operate motor vehicles
Some rights reserved by Josh More. From here on Flickr.

Site Software
This site was developed using Sandvox, a wonderfully easy to use, template-based, web site development program for the Mac. I've been doing professional web development since 1994 (yes, since the first graphical browsers showed up), but when I just want to whip up a site that "just works", this is what I use.